Join us for Discovery and learn more about who we are as a church, where we have been, and where God is calling us! You will hear about our history, beliefs, philosophy, and mission.
Discovery is not about "recruitment." It’s about “clarity”. The purpose is to give insight so you can make an informative decision about becoming part of this movement. While we don't have church membership at The Well, we recognize the importance of family and desire oneness within our church body. Discovery is where we introduce what it means to be family.
Upcoming Discovery Dates: See Sign Up Form Below!
Location: The Well Kingsburg Ministry Center: 1424 Draper St. Kingsburg CA 93631
Time: 10am to 12:30pm (snacks and lunch provided)
Have questions or want to sign up for our next discovery class? Sign up below (so we have enough materials and food!) or email us at info@thewellkingsburg.org.